"You need protection against losing
those important things you want to keep."
Melih Abdulhayoglu, CEO
Comodo PC Protection
Melih Abdulhayoglu, CEO
Comodo PC Protection
For many of us, our computer is the place we store many of life's most important documents, precious family photos, music collections, and more. But while the computer has many advantages, it also has one drawback. Ease of loss. You see, in contrast to the file cabinets of yesteryear, out of which most lost papers and pictures eventually emerged, today's digital files can be lost forever.
Who hasn't heard a horror story about a computer crash, corrupt file, or hard disk failure that caused damage or total loss of files, photos or music collections? For the millions of computer users who store without ever protecting themselves against damage or loss, such a disaster is an eventual inevitability. Unless you stop waiting until tomorrow to do what you can easily take care of today.
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