Select your preferred certificate type

Positive SSL


Suggested Retail:

Positive DV certificates provide the quickest, easiest and most cost-effective way to receive industry-standard encryption. Ideal for internal sites, test servers, and test domains.


Comodo SSL


Suggested Retail:

Comodo OV certificates provide affordable security and trust for small businesses. Recommended for small- to mid-sized business sites where proving the legitimacy of the website is important. Recommended for all business websites who haven’t made the transition to an EV certificate.




Suggested Retail:

Comodo UCC certificates are used to secure up to 250 unique domains. UCC certificates provide a convenient option for organizations that own a lot of domains and looking for a simplified way to secure them through a single solution vs. purchasing single certificates for each.


Best Value

Single SSL EV


Suggested Retail:

PositiveSSL EV certificates provide the highest level of trust and security for business websites. EV certificates activate the green address bar in web browsers which is proven to boost customer confidence. Recommended for mid-sized to enterprise websites sites to establishing confidence in your website and brand. Essential for websites with transactions for payments, eCommerce, or logins.


SSL Wildcard


Suggested Retail:

Comodo Wildcard certificates are used to secure the main domain and an unlimited number of sub-domains under the main domain. Wildcard certificates offer the full encryption for the sub domains making them an affordable and effective solution for most websites.
