If you are taking credit cards online, even if you use third party check out, you must be PCI compliant. Proving your compliance helps prevent costly fines, and protects your reputation with customers.
If you're an e-merchant, your expertise is in what you've devoted your business to. Likely, most of your time has been consumed supporting and running that business. Then why should it be any surprise that PCI Compliance, which is an art in its own, has you stumped?
This is why we, at Comodo, are giving a free webinar, "Painless PCI: Compliance Demystified." Just 45 minutes out of your day could save you literally hours in PCI Compliance headaches.
There are many reasons to be able to prove your compliance to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. Since you are an expert in your own business, not in PCI, this webinar will go through the ins and outs of PCI Compliance. We will introduce the tools designed to make your path to compliance as quick and painless as possible.