Comodo News |
Enhancements to Anti-Virus in Advanced Endpoint Protection
Our anti-virus now comes with a warranty for Advanced Endpoint Protection users. We are so confident that Advanced Endpoint Protection is an effective security solution, we are offering a warranty against any damages caused by malware or viruses.
An additional new advancement in this product is patent-pending Auto Sandbox Technology ™ which eliminates the difficult decision users have to make about what to allow and what to block. Sandbox Technology runs questionable files in a restricted virtual environment without impending a PC user's activities before deciphering if they are safe or not.
Users of Advanced Endpoint Protection benefit from the unified management of Comodo's products necessary to keep a desktop secure: Anti Virus, Firewall, and Disk Encryption.
Watch the video on how it works
Industry News Push Forward on Cybersecurity Bill
Rep. Michael McCaul recently was interviewed with Eric Chabrow, Executive Editor at GovInfoSecurity.com about pushing forward on the cybersecurity bill. |
"A lot of people don't understand the issue very well, but whether it's espionage or whether it's cyber warfare, 30 countries are actively developing cyber warfare programs. This is a serious issue," he said. "We are kind of beyond listing a hypothetical world in the terms of cyber. This is the real stuff and it can cause real damage," McCall said in his interview.
Read the entire article
We want to hear from you. What are your thoughts on prioritizing the cybersecurity bill? Take this quick poll and let us know.
You Spoke, We Listened Last month we asked our readers what they thought about law enforcement and intelligence community's recent pursuit of forged SSL certificates from trusted Certificate Authorities. |
What we learned: |
95.7% of you think that CA's should require the same level of validation from this community as the standard dictates. |
4.3% of you think that CA's should comply with the requests of the law enforcement and intelligence community |
We asked what you thought, and you spoke. Here's what some of you had to say: |
"There will always be a battle between "rights and privacy" and law enforcement, but there are just too many loopholes in the systems and criminals can find too many ways to hide." |
"I would never use a CA again if I found out that they had ever cooperated in forging SSL certificates, even for law enforcement. By participating in forgery, the CA, ipso facto, would not be trustworthy." |
"Real companies are asked to do this, and typically comply with these requests all the time." |
"There is no way any CA should comply with these requests unless they are accompanied by a court-authorized search warrant" |
Enhancements to Anti-Virus in Advanced Endpoint Protection |
Push Forward on Cybersecurity Bill |
You Spoke, We Listened |