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People are talking about BuyerTrust
According to WHIR Magazine, the dollar amount that consumers have been cheated out of in online transactions practically doubled from $264.6 million in 2008 to $559.7 million in 2009. Comodo recently released a solution that conspicuously identifies legitimate e-commerce merchants and assures consumers that their purchases will be protected. James Langman, Comodo VP of Business Development, talks to WHIR Magazine to answer a few questions about this new solution, BuyerTrust.
By already being a Comodo customer, you are in a great place to incorporates solutions that not only mitigate the risk of online theft of confidential data (by employing encryption solutions), but now you can not only give your customers a secure shopping experience, you can visually communicate to them that their transactions will be protected by incorporating our new trust-building tool, BuyerTrust.
Industry news
A Harder Push for Cybersecurity Bill
Rep. Michael McCaul recently was interviewed with Eric Chabrow, Executive Editor at GovInfoSecurity.com about pushing forward on the cybersecurity bill.
"A lot of people don't understand the issue very well, but whether it's espionage or whether it's cyber warfare, 30 countries are actively developing cyber warfare programs. This is a serious issue," he said. "We are kind of beyond listing a hypothetical world in the terms of cyber. This is the real stuff and it can cause real damage," McCall said in his interview.
Imagine someone going through the White House, McCaul describes. How would we all react if an unidentified person pillaged through White House files by hand?
Read the entire article
We want to hear from you. What are your thoughts on prioritizing the cybersecurity bill? Take this quick poll and let us know.
You Spoke, We Listened Last month we asked our readers what they thought about law enforcement and intelligence community's recent pursuit of forged SSL certificates from trusted Certificate Authorities. |
What we learned: |
95.7% of you think that CA's should require the same level of validation from this community as the standard dictates. |
4.3% of you think that CA's should comply with the requests of the law enforcement and intelligence community |
We asked what you thought, and you spoke. Here's what some of you had to say: |
"There will always be a battle between "rights and privacy" and law enforcement, but there are just too many loopholes in the systems and criminals can find too many ways to hide." |
"I would never use a CA again if I found out that they had ever cooperated in forging SSL certificates, even for law enforcement. By participating in forgery, the CA, ipso facto, would not be trustworthy." |
"Real companies are asked to do this, and typically comply with these requests all the time." |
"There is no way any CA should comply with these requests unless they are accompanied by a court-authorized search warrant" |
People are talking about BuyerTrust |
A Harder Push for Cybersecurity Bill |
You Spoke, We Listened |