SSL Certificate : Warning - Website Identity has NOT been verified

Verification Engine displays this warning when a website's SSL certificate is invalid and cannot be authenticated or if a website is using a Low Assurance SSL certificate to secure a HTTPS or https: session.

SSL Certificate

This means the owner of the website has not been validated as a legitimate business entity. The certificate was issued to the website without the usual checks to verify that the company is a real world organization with articles of incorporation or a valid DUNS number. Although the information passed between you and this website will be encrypted - you don't know who it is encrypted for because the entity has not been validated.

Consumers wishing to pass sensitive information like credit card details to a server using a Low Assurance certificate should proceed only if they have prior reason to trust the organization listed.

VerificationEngine SSLVerify technology

Verification Engine uses proprietary SSLVerify technology to determine whether a website is using a high or low assurance certificate.

High Assurance SSL Certificate

Low Assurance SSL Certificate

Secure SSL SSL Secure

High Assurance certificates show the full company name and address - validating both domain ownership and organizational probity.

VerificationEngine indicates a high assurance certificate thus:

Comodo Padlock

Low Assurance certificates show only the domain name - validating domain ownership only.

VerificationEngine indicates a low assurance certificate thus:

Comodo Padlock

An SSL certificate can only signify that it is safe to trade with a company when two vital steps were completed prior to its issuance:

  • Step 1: Verification that the applicant owns, or has legal right to use, the domain name featured in the application.
  • Step 2: Verification that the applicant is a legitimate and legally accountable entity.

Low assurance certificates establish domain ownership only (step 1)

High Assurance certificates require proof of both domain ownership and verification that the vendor is a legally accountable entity (steps 1 and 2).

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