Comodo: Cloud Native Cyber Security Platform

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FBI Estimates Consumer Losses of over $150 Million to Rogue Anti-Virus

Jersey City, NJ, December 23, 2009 – In its press release last week, the Internet Crime Complaint Center, a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) reported that “the FBI is aware of an estimated loss to victims in excess of $150 million” from “Rogue” Anti-Virus.

This threat typically presents itself in the form of a pop-up window which could appear on any type of website a user is visiting. The popup will suggest that the user’s computer is somehow infected and invites the user to download software on the pretense of removing it or further scanning the system for more. Typically, such downloads will contain malware, as well as an invitation to pay the perpetrator a fee to remove it.

As part of his Internet Security Insider video blog series, Comodo CEO Melih Abdulhayoglu offers his unique, insider viewpoint on this type of threat and what to do about it. In Establishing PC Security Software Standards he explains an industry-wide initiative within the security software industry to develop standards that enable users to differentiate between legitimate and “Rogue” security providers. This initiative, the Common Computing Security Standards Forum, has created a list of known legitimate security software vendors which consumers can view at the CCSS Forum Website. Comodo Security Solutions is a member of the forum and was instrumental in its formation.

About Comodo

The Comodo companies provide the infrastructure that is essential in enabling e-merchants, other Internet-connected companies, software companies, and individual consumers to interact and conduct business via the Internet safely and securely. The Comodo companies offer PKI SSL, Code Signing, Content Verification and Email Certificate; award winning PC Security software;  Vulnerability Scanning services for PCI Compliance; secure e-mail and fax services.   

Continual innovation, a core competence in PKI, and a commitment to reversing the growth of Internet-crime distinguish the Comodo companies as vital players in the Internet’s ongoing development. Comodo secures and authenticates online transactions and communications for over 200,000 business customers and 3,000,000 users of our desktop security products. 

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