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New Internet Security and Authentication Solutions Adopted by Online Banking Customers for Better Protection

New study from Datamonitor confirms that additional authentication is welcomed by 75% of customers

Jersey City, NJ (July 18, 2007) – Despite initial industry concerns about consumer resistance to adopting new authentication processes, recent research from Datamonitor reveals that more than 75% of online customers want more robust authentication in their online transactions. Furthermore, the majority of the 750 respondents showed a keen interest in adopting an additional authentication method beyond the standard username and password.

“The evolution of authentication is an important step in ensuring safe online interactions,” said Melih Abdulhayoglu, CEO and Chief Security Architect of Comodo. “Consumers understand the dangers of not having an advanced authentication solution and are seeking new and better ways to protect themselves.”

Comodo a global leader in Identity and Trust Assurance Management solutions, helps banks meet consumers’ increasing online vigilance through its Comodo Authentication Solution, including its Two Factor Authentication. Comodo Authentication Solution uses a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) platform which is both user-friendly and recognized as a best practice solution in online security. When compared to competitor solutions, Comodo Authentication Solution is easy to deploy, use and support, adding to its overall cost-effectiveness.

Comodo Authentication Solution includes Two Factor Authentication using a client certificate for authenticating the user to the institution, Comodo’s Content Verification Certificate (CVC) to protect key content from being spoofed by a phisher, an EV SSL Certificate for online visual authentication of a site’s identity, and Email Certificate to provide digital signatures and encryption to Email correspondence.

For more information on Comodo Authentication Solution, please visit: .

About Comodo

Comodo, through its group of Internet security companies, is a leading Certification Authority and global provider of Identity and Trust Assurance services on the Internet. Comodo secures and authenticates online transactions and communications for over 3,000,000 businesses and consumers.

With a global presence Comodo offers businesses and consumers third-generation solutions for intelligent security and authentication technologies that create trust online. Comodo’s technological expertise includes PKI digital certification Code signing certification integrated authentication infrastructure services Web Content authentication Secure messaging solutions PCI compliancy scanning SSL digital certificates including our flagship Instant SSL brand, HackerGuardian Banking solutions including Two Factor Authentication , and digital e-commerce services .

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