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Comodo’s BOClean V4.23 Gets Malware Threats Off Consumers’ Minds

“Install it and Forget it” Technology Now Offered for Free

Jersey City, NJ (May 10, 2007) — Comodo, a global Certification Authority and leading provider of Identity and Trust Assurance Management solutions, has added a layer of online security with the release of BOClean 4.23. This layered approach strategy is the culmination of the acquisition of BOClean from Privacy Software Corporation and further enhances the already-successful malware solution. BOClean delivers a sophisticated extra level of protection because it detects, shuts down, and removes any malware that may slipped past other installed security precautions such as firewalls.

BOClean can be deployed on single computer or over a network and can be customized for any network or institutional situation. The application is designed to complement traditional anti-virus solutions by checking executable files just before they run. BOClean then consults its database of 278,000 malware signatures (which equates to nearly 2 million malware variants) and instantly kills a process if malware is detected. In this way, BOClean delivers an extra layer of protection by catching any virus, Trojan, or malware that has already eluded the other active guards a user has installed on their system.

“Adding the BOClean solution to our security suite was key in our strategy of improving the online security process through a layered approach,” explains Melih Abdulhayoglu, CEO and Chief Security Architect of Comodo. “Aside from providing yet another critical layer of protection, we have achieved our objective to make it so user-friendly that you can simply install it and not worry about malware anymore. Feedback from our forum members has confirmed the power and ease of BOClean and they have even shared their stories with us.”

BOClean was originally developed by Privacy Software Corporation (PSC) – a privately-owned company that develops malware, trojans, spyware and rootkit detection technology. Version 4.23 is offered for free and upgrading to this version is strongly recommended. Comodo also plans to release re-branded and upgraded versions of the entire PSC product family in the near future, including IEClean, NSClean, VacPac and FileVac.

About Comodo

Comodo, through its group of Internet security companies, is a leading Certification Authority and global provider of Identity and Trust Assurance services on the Internet. Comodo secures and authenticates online transactions and communications for over 2,000,000 businesses and consumers.

With a global presence Comodo offers businesses and consumers third-generation solutions for intelligent security and authentication technologies that create trust online. Comodo’s technological expertise includes PKI Digital CertificateCode Signing CertificateIntegrated Authentication Infrastructure ServicesWeb Content AuthenticationSecure Messaging SolutionsRegulatory Compliance Solutions, and Digital eCommerce Services.

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