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Melih Abdulhayoglu Tells Online Merchants How EV SSL Technology Pays for Itself by Enhancing Consumer Trust

Jersey City, NJ, September 04, 2008 – Comodo CEO and Chief Information Architect Melih Abdulhayoglu of Comodo CA, a leading Certification Authority, answered questions from Kerry Murdock of on his program eCommerce Conversations. Their conversation was recorded for a podcast available at, Comodo announced today.

Abdulhayoglu spoke about how enhancing computer security reassures online shoppers that their information is safe. He urged e-merchants to adopt the sophisticated extended validation (EV) SSL technology, of which he was one of the first champions, to secure their websites. Abdulhayoglu commented that, although “we don’t expect it overnight,” internet users will soon learn to respect and trust eMerchants with EV SSL certificates because of the closer scrutiny and verification these businesses must go through to obtain an EV SSL security.

100% security does not exist,” Abdulhayoglu said, but the new EV SSL “really minimizes the risk. To fake the EV SSL sign is very difficult to do; it is built into the browser itself.”

More-expensive EV SSL technology is a good investment for e-merchants, he said. “Over a 1-year period if you can convert 10 people, you are in profit already.”

Abdulhayoglu is a founding member of the Certificate Authorities & Browsers (CAB) Forum, devising the standards for the EV SSL technology.

To hear the entire podcast. For more information on Comodo, please visit

About Comodo

The Comodo companies provide the infrastructure that is essential in enabling e-merchants, other Internet-connected companies, software companies, and individual consumers to interact and conduct business via the Internet safely and securely. The Comodo companies offer PKI SSLCode SigningContent Verification and Email Certificate; award winning PC Security software;  Vulnerability Scanning services for PCI Compliance; secure e-mail and fax services.

Continual innovation, a core competence in PKI, and a commitment to reversing the growth of Internet-crime distinguish the Comodo companies as vital players in the Internet’s ongoing development. Comodo secures and authenticates online transactions and communications for over 200,000 business customers and 3,000,000 users of our desktop security products.

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