Cloud-based email anti-spam protection for your corporate mail servers


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Anti-spam Gateway

Save times your employees

Studies tell us six out of ten emails received by the average worker are spam. Intrusive offers, announcements and inquiries are only among the few that take valuable time for every employee to scan and delete. Often, these emails go undetected releasing destructive viruses when opened.


Quickly identify if there are gaps in your network security

containment with compromise

Unique and extremely effective tool

Comodo has developed a unique and extremely effective tool that prevents Junk Mail from ever entering your mail server and its employee inboxes.

Here at Comodo we have developed technology that allows Antispam Gateway to filter virus, phishing, malware and harvesting spam attacks in a way automated Spam Bots can’t defeat.

No other Spam filter does a better job of restoring worker productivity because no better spam filter exists.

It has a centralized, web based management console which makes it simple for administrators to set up, add users and domains, configure mail blacklists and whitelists and manage quarantined emails.

What is CASG?

CASG is an advanced email filtering solution designed to free employee's inboxes of Junk Mail Glut. It is cloud-based, which is ideally suited for small to mid-size businesses.


Dedicated Hardware Without the dedicated hardware

Gateway-level filtering without the dedicated hardware deals with spam before it enters the corporate network;

Granular configuration Granular configuration

Granular configuration of destination routes, delivery queues, email restrictions, whitelists/ blacklists, subject notations and quarantine settings;

Blacklists Using the very latest blacklists

Cloud based solution means mail is filtered using the very latest blacklists;

Centralized interface Centralized interface

Centralized interface is far easier for administrators than attending to desktop anti-spam software.


add-on modules

Secure DNS

Protect your network against all web-borne threats and enforce productive user web browsing in minutes.

Secure Email

Protect users from zero-day malicious email traffic and remove spam before it enters your network.

Detection & Response

Outsource the management of your networks and endpoints to Comodo to prevent breaches.