Comodo: Cloud Native Cyber Security Platform

Month: May 2001

May 15 2001. Domain Name Deja Vu – Why the ‘Keywords’ monopoly is flawed

It is Friday afternoon 4:45pm, you want to buy a book for the weekend. You walk into the bookstore on your way home. This is your favourite bookstore that has in excess of 2 million books on display. The attendant greets you and says: ATTENDANT: "Can I help you, Sir!" YOU: "Sure, I would like …

May 15 2001. Domain Name Deja Vu – Why the ‘Keywords’ monopoly is flawed Read More »

May 15 2001. Domain Name Deja Vu – Why the ‘Keywords’ monopoly is flawed

It is Friday afternoon 4:45pm, you want to buy a book for the weekend. You walk into the bookstore on your way home. This is your favourite bookstore that has in excess of 2 million books on display. The attendant greets you and says: ATTENDANT: “Can I help you, Sir!” YOU: “Sure, I would like …

May 15 2001. Domain Name Deja Vu – Why the ‘Keywords’ monopoly is flawed Read More »