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Comodo Increases Worldwide Antivirus Vendor Market Share in Last Quarter As Reported in Leading Industry Security Analysis

OPSWAT Study Confirms FREE AV Usage Increasing

Jersey City, NJ, December 30, 2010 – Comodo, a leading certificate authority and Internet security organization, announced today its increasing market share positioning among the 53 worldwide Antivirus software vendors recognized, while other AV vendors have lost their market share during the past three months, according to OPSWAT’s quarterly market share report released in December 2010.

OPSWAT, founded in 2002, provides software engineers and IT professionals with development tools and data services to power manageability and security solutions.

The data was collected from August 16 through November 15, 2010 from a sample of an estimated 100 million endpoints. This quarterly report includes both worldwide and North American market share and usage data for antivirus software and Windows operating systems, and worldwide data for backup client software.

“We are proud that Comodo’s expansion in the security arena is notably increasing worldwide especially in the AV segment,” said Melih Abdulhayoglu,CEO and chief security architect. “We attribute that to our continued investment in R&D and our untiring diligence in creating trust online.”

Recognized as an innovator in the security world, Comodo has committed to engage in the development of secure, robust, and cost-effective business solutions to serve a rapidly growing online audience.

A key trend identified in the report includes a movement by users away from paid antivirus software and towards free antivirus solutions. Current industry data showed that 58 percent of respondents were using a free solution, compared to a 42 percent free solution share as reported in June of 2010.

For more information on the OPSWAT, Inc. report and to view it in its entirety, you may go to:

About Comodo

Comodo® is a leading brand in Internet security. With US Headquarters in New Jersey and global resources in UK, China, India, Ukraine, and Romania, Comodo provides businesses and consumers worldwide with security and trust services, including digital certificates, PCI scanning, desktop security, and remote PC support. Securing online transactions for over 200,000 businesses, and with more than 25 million desktop security software installations, including an award-winning firewall and antivirus software, Comodo is Creating Trust Online®. To learn more, visit Comodo’s website.

For more information, reporters may contact:

Robin Carley,
Comodo Public Relations and Corporate Communications
Office: 201-963-0004 x 4073