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Comodo CEO Melih Abdulhayoglu Offers Advice for Howard Schmidt, the Newly Appointed White House Cybersecurity Coordinator

Jersey City, NJ, December 29, 2009 – The White House recently announced President Barack Obama’s choice for the new position of White House Cybersecurity Coordinator, Howard Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt brings over 40 years of experience in government, business and law enforcement and is a recognized authority on Cybersecurity. His introductory remarks about the new position, background and approach are available at Comodo.TV, along with a wide range of other video programs focused on Internet trust and security.

As part of his Internet Security Insider video blog series, Comodo CEO Melih Abdulhayoglu offered his unique, insider viewpoint about this position at the time President Obama announced its creation. In Advice for America’s Internet Czar, Abdulhayoglu urges the government’s cyber-leadership to look beyond traditional perimeter security of cyber-infrastructure to solve the problem of millions of under-protected endpoints currently being exploited – creating both commercial and national security risk.

Related topics commented upon by Abdulhayoglu include President Obama Cybersecurity ReviewCyberwarfareCybersecurity 9/11, and Power Grid Hacked.

About Comodo

The Comodo companies provide the infrastructure that is essential in enabling e-merchants, other Internet-connected companies, software companies, and individual consumers to interact and conduct business via the Internet safely and securely. The Comodo companies offer PKI SSLCode SigningContent Verification and Email Certificate; award winning PC Security software;  Vulnerability Scanning services for PCI Compliance; secure e-mail and fax services.

Continual innovation, a core competence in PKI, and a commitment to reversing the growth of Internet-crime distinguish the Comodo companies as vital players in the Internet’s ongoing development. Comodo secures and authenticates online transactions and communications for over 200,000 business customers and 3,000,000 users of our desktop security products.

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