Online PC Support

Our tech experts diagnose and fix all your PC issues remotely 24/7 with one easy click.

Starting at
Comodo Geekbuddy

Instant solution to all your PC problems

  • GeekBuddy solves your PC headaches and saves your time in just a click!
  • Our tech experts can perform remote computer repair, help you set-up software, take care of complex printer set up, tune your PC's settings to lower both your energy output and your electric bill, and all the other services mentioned below.
  • When you need help, just click your GeekBuddy desktop icon and your Buddy will start a chat session, and ask how he/she can help. Your Buddy will connect to your PC and fix the problem... all while you watch on-screen!


When you need computer support, click the desktop icon to connect to one of our support technicians.


All support sessions are chat-based so there is no waiting on the phone or hard to follow instructions.


Our certified technicians connect to your machine remotely; all you do is sit back and enjoy the convenience.

Problem Solved

Enjoy using your problem-free computer once again.

Yes, your PC can run it.

If your PC can run the full version of Windows, it can run Comodo Internet Security.
But if you're buying it for someone else, you may still want to check the system requirements.

Get your personal problem fixer with Comodo GeekBuddy


GeekBuddy with
Internet Security Pro

Protects Up to 3 Computers

GeekBuddy with
Internet Security Complete

Protects Up to 3 Computers
Unlimited 24/7/365 Technical Support
Unlimited 24/7/365 Virus Removal
Remote Computer Repair
Comodo Antivirus to detects, blocks,
and destroys viruses
Comodo Firewall featuring
Default Deny Protection
Virus Free Guarantee - up to $500.00
10GB TrustConnect per month
(Wi-Fi Data Encryption)
50GB Online Storage
Buy NOW $149.99 Buy NOW $199.99

User Reviews

Virus Diagnosis and Removal

Our expert scans your PC to check for viruses and spyware, then removes any viruses detected.

PC Tune Up

Our expert performs full scans to evaluate issues affecting your computer's performance, then fine tunes key areas and improves speed and stability.

Email Set Up

A GeekBuddy expert sets up your internet-based email account-any provider, any account. Great for new computers and novice email users

ID Theft Protection

A PC expert activates your computer's basic security settings to prevent loss of sensitive data and identity theft.

Printer Set Up

Let a PC pro install or update software and printer drivers, check ink levels, and configure your printer to work on a wireless or wired network.

Software Installation

An expert installs your Comodo products and customizes configuration for maximum security protection and efficiency

Green PC

We'll optimize your power management setting based on how you use your computer. Go green and save money on your electric bill.

Computer Troubleshooting

Our expert checks basic hardware conflicts in Windows.


Our experts can connect to your computer a provide a comprehensive remote computer repair service.

Get your personal problem fixer with Comodo GeekBuddy

FAQ about Geekbuddy

Is GeekBuddy like technical support?

Well, it is, but it's a lot easier and a lot more effective than traditional technical support. With GeekBuddy , our experts perform the complex PC tasks for you.

How does "Green PC" work?

Chances are, your computer is using more energy than it needs to, increasing your expenses and harming the environment. Our experts can optimize your settings to decrease your PC's energy consumption.

How does it work?

Geekbuddy uses secure Virtual Private Network technology to allow Comodo experts to access your PC's settings and file and run remote computer repair services.

What are the System Requirements?
  • Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7, Vista or XP
  • 7 MB Hard Disk Space
  • 22 MB RAM
What if they perform a PC task that requires a restart?

You can easily configure GeekBuddy to automatically open and connect to the Internet, so your help session isn't cut off.

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Need help with your Comodo products? We're here to help, anytime 24/7
Chat Support

When downloading the software you will also
receive access to a GeekBuddy expert, available
24/7. Click on Chat Now from your Management
Interface or click on the GeekBuddy icon on
your desktop.and vendor.

Chat Now!
Product info & Sales & Support:

Make sure to have your order number or subscription information available.

For technical product questions visit our Support Home Page click on the "Submit a Ticket" link and select "Internet Security Support" from the dropdown menu and submit.

Online Help Guide

Check out our Online Help Guide for tips on how to use and configure our products and for detailed technical information.
Go to the Help Guide

Forum & Knowledgebase

Our Forum is populated with fellow Comodo users and developers alike and can quite often be the quickest and friendliest way to find answers to questions that you have.
Read the Forum

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