Antivirus : Malware/False-Positive

Submit files / URLs to Comodo for analysis

Comodo takes pride in maintaining the most accurate database of malware and harmful websites. User submissions are a very important element in helping us maintain this accuracy.

Please select the type of item you would like to submit:

Malicious File

Use this option to send us a file that you suspect is a Virus, Trojan or other type of malware.

Comodo analysts will test the file to determine whether it contains harmful code. If confirmed as malware, it will be immediately added to the Comodo Antivirus database.

False-Positive File

Use this option if you suspect a Comodo application has incorrectly identified a legitimate file as a virus or harmful file

If your file is confirmed as a false positive then we will remove it from the antivirus database

Suspicious Website

Use this option if you believe you have found a harmful website. This includes phishing sites, scam sites and sites that serve malware.

Comodo will check the site and add it to our global blacklist if it is found to be harmful.

False-Positive Website

Use this option if you suspect a Comodo application has incorrectly classified a website as harmful.

If the site is confirmed as a false positive then we will remove it from the global blacklist.


Max. file size = 10 MB

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* Required